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Lost & Found

Looking for a job. Looking for love. Looking for the answer. It's quite interesting that the things we seek are always available to us, endless for a word. It seems as though we are always searching for the things we want and need in this life. There's a constant drive to finding ourselves which then determines our identity which got me thinking, is this the way our lives are supposed to be lived? I acknowledge the desire to find something that is meaningful to us as individuals however I contest the idea that we can never be satisfied everything we gain in our lives.

In our lives there we always have a certain expectation of ourselves which usually comes about from the dreams we set out chasing from a young age. I remember the pressures of making sure my grades in school were always at a high level so I can make it into college. Once the GCSE's were obtained, the relief was short lived as the next step would be getting the best A level results so I can get into the course I wanted to do for university. Target met. Next step? You guessed it.. Getting that degree! Education seems so.. endless.

Our identity is shaped by many factors in life, it's amazing how many things we experience, feel, engage in which allows us to say who we are today, who we may have been in the past and what we might become going forward. Interestingly, we never stop trying to shape this identity of ours, it's as though we are never satisfied, always hungry for more. For many, the constant searching in itself can cause a feeling of being lost in the journey of life. For others, it can be just bettering the current state they have obtained. Overall, there never seems to be a part of us which is completely satisfied with whoever we are.. And why should there be?

Life isn't a mission, an objective or a goal. It is a reality which is ongoing until our souls expire. Until then, I encourage you to embrace the experiences, good & bad, for they are all components of our identity, the very thing that makes us who we were, are and bound to be at various stages of our lives. If there is a message to take from this post, it is this:

There is nothing wrong with searching for wholeness, if anything, I commend you for taking on a personal journey of such heights, just remember to not lose yourself in the process. You are who you are today, as you were then, as you will be tomorrow.

Embrace life. Love life. Live life.

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